Awesome Autonomous is a curated list of awesome learning resources for Autonomous Vehicles, including autonomous robots and self-driving cars. It’s an attempt to gather useful material in one place for everybody who wants to learn more about the field.

Give me a star at vietanhdev/awesome-autonomous if you find this site helpful. All contributions are welcome.

Autonomous Tesla - Gif: Steph Davidson; Source: Tesla (4)

Autonomous Tesla - Gif: Steph Davidson; Source: Tesla (4)

How can I contribute to this repository?

This repository uses Hugo as a website generator to publish the content to its website. Steps to contribute:

    1. Fork this repository and bring it to your own computer.
    1. Install Hugo.
    1. Run the local server: cd awesome-autonomous && hugo serve. After this step, you can access the webpage on your local computer at https://localhost:1313.
    1. Edit the content in content folder and see the changes directly on your local machine.
    1. Commit and create a pull request.


  • With small modifications, you may not have to use Hugo. Just fork the repository and edit content folder.
  • All modifications will be published on our website automatically after we merged them into master branch.
  • If you don’t know how to create a pull request to this repository, but still want to contribute, send me a message using my contact page.